Elevate Your Event with Right Cream's Ice Cream Catering
Transform your event into an unforgettable experience with our exceptional ice cream catering package. Customized flavors from our iconic ice cream cart, Right Cream offers a unique and distinctive experience that stands out from the standard offerings of other ice cream vendors. Inspired by our travels and culinary adventures, we craft flavors that are truly one-of-a-kind and can't be found anywhere else.
As a beloved Denver establishment, we take pride in the originality and novelty of our flavors, providing our customers with an authentic and unique experience that is sure to impress. Our catering packages are perfect for those looking to add a touch of creativity and adventure to their event, ensuring a lasting impression on your guests.
Whether it's a wedding, corporate event, bar/bat mitzvah, or any other celebration, our ice cream will bring a special touch that everyone will remember.
Fortune Feimster -American writer, comedian, and actress
Lettuce & The Colorado Symphony Orchestra - Funk Band from Boston
Cherub (CHERUB) - Electro-indie duo from Nashville
The 2022 Stanley Cup Champion Colorado Avalanche

With Right Cream your event is guaranteed to be a sweet success. Go beyond the typical offerings and choose the best Colorado has to offer like many other culinary leaders have.
We have made amazing ice cream with many wonderful chefs, and Colorado businesses:
Aviano Coffee - Culinary Creative Group
La Diabla
Uncle Ramen
Hop Alley
Pizzaria Leopold
Carrera's Tacos
Great Divide Brewing Company
Blue Pan Pizza
And So Many Others! Please Reach Out To Collaborate